Are You Sensitive?

According to Psychology Today, about 20% of people have a very sensitive personality. Interestingly, it is not the acquired characteristic but the inherited one. These people are called as Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs).

I met an HSP (of course, I didn’t know about his sensitivity) and became close to him. The more I know him, the more I questioned like these:

Why is he so sensitive?group-464644_1920

Why is his body so sensitive to food? (He has irritable bowel syndrome)

Why does he get a headache, migraine, allergy, etc. frequently?

Why does he get so irritated by small things?

Why does he accumulate stress so quickly?

Why is he negative?

Have you felt like above to someone? Do you think many people ask you those questions above? Do you want to know you or s/he is a highly sensitive person? Here is a test (I think many people can get high score in this test, that means HSP)

By the way, it’s nothing wrong to be an HSP. It’s a type of personality. Knowledge is power. If you can build a good relationship with a person who you think difficult, wouldn’t it be nice? You might feel frustrated about their sensitivity sometimes. But HSPs have a lot of good traits you would like and respect. Let’s find out!

What are Highly Sensitive Persons’ Habits?

An article from The Huffington Post says HSPs have some common behavior patterns and experiences. Those are:

  1. HSPs consider things more deeply and try to understand its core.
  2. HSPs more emotionally attach to people and events. They have more empathy and concern for their friends and family.
  3. HSPs are often told “Why are you so sensitive?” and “Don’t take things personally.”
  4. HSPs prefer to excise alone. They have a tendency not to join team sports or gyms. They prefer to enjoy individual sports such as bicycling and hiking.
  5. HSPs need more time to make a decision. They are very detail oriented and try to compare every possible outcome.
  6. HSPs become more upset than others when they make wrong or bad decisions.
  7. HSPs are more likely to have depression and anxiety.
  8. HSPs are noise sensitive.
  9. HSPs are well mannered. They are very conscientious how to behave. They have a high standard of manner.
  10. HSPs are very sensitive to criticism.

How to Build a Good Relationship with Highly Sensitive Persons?

Psychology Today explains that HSPs are also sensitive to other stimuli such as noise, light, taste, and touch. This trait and detail oriented personality give them high creativity. In fact, many artists are HSPs.


hand-819279_1920To get high quality of outcome at work, respect their personal space and quiet environment. HSPs enjoy more solo work at an individual space (like a cube, separated room or house). It doesn’t mean they are not team players. As explained above, they are very aware of outcome and its details. They consider the final decision from many aspects. So, they are essential assets to a team. HSPs are very delicate to surrounding environment. The negative environment gives an enormous amount of stress to them. However, on the other hand, they can be more social and interacted in a positive atmosphere according to Psychology Today. So, give them a positive feedback and create a happier environment! (That’s good for everyone!). And, if you see your HSP coworker or friend seems in stress, have them take a break. Let them spend some time in a quiet place where they can cut all the noise.


a0006_001339They care about family, friends, and loved one so much. A little thing or joke might put HSPs into a maze. They are very subtle to other’s facial expression and mood. Imagine as HSPs are always carrying a huge antenna. They can get distracted quickly, and their brain can become overheated due to so much information. Give HSPs a quiet non-disturbed space and time a couple of times a day. Tell them how beneficial to have time for meditation. If you think an HSP starts being negative, don’t try to manipulate their feelings. You first feel happy and positive. They will catch your positive energy and feel better.

